Safety Data Sheets (SDS)
Produced by trained, qualified staff – REACH 2019 compliant safety data sheets help protect human health and the environment

Produced by trained, qualified staff – REACH 2019 compliant safety data sheets help protect human health and the environment
Under REACH Regulation EC No 1907/2006 Annex II, it is a legal requirement for electronic cigarette and vaping companies to provide a compliant safety sheet for all chemical mixtures sold – zero nicotine short fills and products that do contain nicotine, also require safety sheets.
Annex II is complex. In brief, it requires: identification of the mixture, hazard identification, composition of ingredients, first aid measures, firefighting measures, accidental release measures, handling and storage data, exposure controls, physical and chemical properties, stability and reactivity data, toxicological and ecological data, disposal considerations, transport details, regulatory information.
The aim of REACH is to protect human health, particularly children – ensure your sheets support this aim. Beware, some companies are cutting corners and producing low cost sheets from unqualified staff, which do not meet the new requirements and are not legal in the EU.
Our staff have been fully trained and are qualified to produce REACH 2019 compliant safety sheets. We have the ability to produce sheets in any language for ease of compliance around the globe.
To produce a safety data sheet, a full formulation of a product is required. ADACT is well positioned to provide this service, especially if we have completed regulatory compliance on your products, because we have all the existing formulation data. Ideally, a safety sheet should be provided before, or at the time of first delivery of a substance or mixture. If new information on hazards or risk management measures becomes available at a later date, the SDS can be updated accordingly and without delay.
We base our classifications on full data for greater accuracy, with clear links to REACH dossiers. This helps us to ensure the most up to date substance information is included. We also enhance accuracy in these ways;
Due to our uniquely scientific background, we offer our SDS service to companies who have products outside of the electronic cigarette and vaping industry. Some examples of recent non-vape SDS sheets we’ve recently completed include: CBD products, cosmetics, candles and household chemical products.
Adact has provided regulatory compliance services for thousands of companies across the world. We support your company by providing the advice and guidance to keep you ahead of the current regulations in the markets that matter.
Adact delivers an excellent level of service which is still very affordable, making us a true champion for entrepreneurship. We believe in an approach that allows you and your company to grow a successful product range in the US marketplace.
Adact has proven that regulatory compliance is so much more than ticking boxes. It is about creating a platform that builds with you as future regulatory challenges occur for continued accountability and safety.
Adact faces challenges and delivers industry beating results. From our ISO 17025 accredited testing laboratory we deliver world class regulatory compliance services which are further backed up with excellent on-demand custom service.
We are the trusted regulatory compliance partner of leading e-cigarette and vaping brands around the world. Our proven end to end services help get your products approved and on the market quickly and affordably.
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